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AvP GoldChange motion tracker volume --- Marine --- MOTIONTRACKERVOLUME (0.00-1.00)Change motion tracker speed --- Marine --- MOTIONTRACKERSPEED (0-16) Replenish energy supply --- Predator --- GIMME_CHARGE Toggle crouch and crawl --- Alien --- CROUCHMODE (0 or 1) God mode --- Any --- GOD All weapons and ammo --- Any --- GIVEALLWEAPONS Create CPU controlled Marine --- Any --- MARINEBOT (class number) Create CPU controlled Predator --- Any --- PREDOBOT (class number) Create CPU controlled Alien --- Any --- ALIENBOT Create CPU controlled Predator-Alien --- Any --- PREDALIENBOT Create CPU controlled Praetorian Alien --- Any --- PRAETORIANBOT Create CPU controlled Xenoborg --- Any --- XENOBORG Create light aura; repeat for brighter aura --- Any --- LIGHT Display frame rate --- Any --- SHOWFPS Display number of rendered polygons --- Any --- SHOWPOLYCOUNT List in-game help --- Any --- LISTVAR List cheat commands --- Any --- LISTCMD Change game speed --- Any --- TIMESCALE (0.0-1.0) |